Atomic Habits Chapter 2 summary

 Name : Sarker Saady Ahmed

Task: "Atomic Habits" by James Clear summary

How your habits shape your identity (and Vice Versa)

> Repeating the same good habit every single day is difficult, day by day, week by week until it comes to a point where no good changes from before, knowing that even with complete burst of motivation and strict efforts, you have managed it just 2-3 days.

> Through this time, your unwanted habits have already been well-established, making it difficult to get rid off, even when suddenly changing mindset facing towards the unwanted habit

> The above diagram shows us the three layers of behavior change and the three layers of behavior changes are:
1) Outcomes
2) Process 
3) Identity

> The outcome option basically implements the end result or the end product or in short, the goal. The outcome, for example, can be losing weight, learn a new language etc. 

> The process option implements the system that the individual need to go through in order to reach its potential outcome. Examples can include eating healthy and working out in gym (Losing weight), write 2000 words everyday (publish a book), spend 1 hour learning a new language everyday (New language)

> The identity part is your self-belief and judgment towards yourself. Example can include two individuals who were given a book to read. Individual 1 might say "I will start reading and become a reader" whereas Individual 2 might say "I am a reader". Although individual 2 knows that the person does not read but it is these small change in their self-belief that creates a shift in mindset.

Individual 1

Individual 2
> Your self belief into knowing that you are that particular type of person brings in a good mindset shift, changing your identity, motivating you to perform that same good task repeatedly till it feels like an automated response, creating that good habit as part of your "body function"

> 1st day, 2nd day, 3rd day, 4th day, you try building up good habits like eating healthy or exercising regularly and see changes, these are what creates a sense of pride and accomplishing yourself the work you have performed and the positive outcome you receive.

> When an individual creates that sense of pride towards its goal, it will keep performing that particular task, no matter how hard it gets.

> Changing yourself to become your better self does not necessarily need big efforts. 1% of good habits every single day will create a better person, not on short period of time but on a long run.

> To become a changed man depends on how your approach is towards your goal. Some might be "Outcome-based Habits" whereas other might be "Identity-based Habits". 

> Outcome-based Habits example might be like "I need to get six-pack abs and in order for me to get them, I need to start dieting and start visiting the gym 3X per week". This basically suggest that in order to reach the goal, you need to perform some activities

> Identity-based Habits example might be like "What would a healthy person do everyday, eating healthy, going to the gym". This suggests that in order to be healthy, you change your identity and ask "What would..." like "What would a productive individual do?" or "What would a 7-figure individual do that runs several companies?"

> In brief, we can conclude that in order for us to become our better selves, we can perform the simple "two-step process" and they include:
1) Change your identity, which changes your mindset for the good
2) Prove that you identify yourself as this by small wins
